Manufacturer Information
Company Information

Tired of choosing between good-for-you food and food that actually tastes good? So were we. That’s why we set out to create recipes that were full of things we ought to eat, and still, somehow ridiculously tasty.

That pretty much sums up everything we make at The GFB. It’s all simple, honest, gluten-free, plant-based food. And all incredibly good to eat.

Allergen Policy

We are a GFSI certified facility and follow an allergen control program that consists of multiple components.

First, we sanitize our equipment and swab to verify effectiveness when we change from one allergen to the next. Second, we use dedicated, color-coded tools and hair nets for each allergen family to further reduce the risk of contamination. Finally, we schedule our production so that we typically only have one allergen being run at any one time per production area. The combination of these measures helps us minimize the risk of cross-contamination

Here is a little more info on what GFSI is if interested:

Satisfaction Policy

If a customer is dissatisfied with any of our products we will send replacements or a refund.
